Ringteraction: Coordinated Thumb-index Interaction using an Interactive Ring


Coordinated finger movements are utilized for both physical (rotating a knob, snapping fingers etc.) and digital interaction (multi touch gestures, chording input etc.). Specifically considering touch-based interaction, the close proximity of fingers to the information/object being manipulated, makes our nimble fingers suitable candidates for augmentation. In this paper we present Ringteraction, a systematic exploration of the coordinated movement of the thumb against the proximal phalanx of the index finger for mobile interaction. We augment the index finger by introducing a novel ring-shaped device that has a capacitive touch panel (operated with the opposable thumb) and also an OLED color display. This opens up a new form of bi-digit interaction whereby two devices – a tablet or phone and the ring, can be independently and single handedly controlled to achieve a single task or goal. Thus Ringteraction metaphorically converts the index finger into an information entity in the world of digital interaction. To corroborate the usefulness of such a single handed joint interaction, we present a user study and numerous applications as well.

Project Details to be updated soon!

The app pick and drop is currently at a stage where the functionality of entering pick-up points can be tested with real users. This can be a good pilot study to evaluate the concept on a whole. Several new interaction techniques are in the pipeline waiting to be implemented- the future is exciting.

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